
31 October 2017


Last week in STE(A)M Club students continued with their Green Plan It Project. 

They started making sketches and 3D models of their designed gardens. 

Some groups built a mood board to help themselves with their designs. 

Students are looking at all the details of designing a garden, from the different kinds of flowers that there will be, to the type of path and the decorations the garden will have. 

In all groups we have seen great ideas and a great amount of creativity. 

Again, a very big thank you to the volunteers from the Royal Botanic Garden who came to mentor students and advised them as well as teaching them all the aspects they will have too  take in account while designing their gardens. 

24 October 2017


10th of October

Before the holidays, students in STE(A)M club started their project for the Green Plan It Challenge.

In their groups, they started to plan how their garden was going to be.  All groups had very creative ideas. 

They cereated a rough sketch of their garden and made up a budget for the materials they would need for their garden and for a 3D miniature model of their garden.

Also, a volunteer from the Botanic Garden came to help students with their ideas and planning.

This week's session is going to continue to be about the Green Plan It Challenge

4 October 2017


This week on STE(A)M club, students returned to the classroom after last week's trip to the botanics where they participated on the launch of the Green Plan It competition.

Today they focused on starting their group project.

Team roles were assigned, and teams got to scout the area for their garden and start to come up with ideas for their designs.

Art teachers and Green Plan It staff came to help and advice students in their decisions for their projects.

Next week students are going to continue to work on the Green Plan It challenge.